Download the RedKite font...
©2014 Kinetik™ Design & Print. By downloading this font you agree to the following: The RedKite font and it’s data are subject to Copyright ©2014, Kinetik Design & Print. All rights reserved. Font exclusively available from or our Behance/ProSite portfolio page and must not be re-distributed by any other means or from any other locations.
You may use the font for paid work, but must not make it available to 3rd parties.
Download the RedKite font...
©2014 Kinetik™ Design & Print. By downloading this font you agree to the following: The RedKite font and it’s data are subject to Copyright ©2014, Kinetik Design & Print. All rights reserved. Font exclusively available from or our Behance/ProSite portfolio page and must not be re-distributed by any other means or from any other locations.
You may use the font for paid work, but must not make it available to 3rd parties.